NOTD, pastels and crackles

Monday, June 13, 2011
Hi all, hope you're all okay.

I've been in a real crappy mood today and don't really know why, so far I've hated my job, hated my life, hated my house, hated my bank - pretty much hated everything that crosses my path! Fingers crossed that the bitch from hell, aka me on a bad day, will be gone tomorrow!

This is how I've been rocking my nails the past week (yes, the whole week! The one good thing about all my nails snapping is that now they're shorter my nail varnish lasts so much longer!):

without flash
the colours used, annoyingly the stickers have fallen off the green so I'm not sure what colour it is
as you can see I painted the colours on VERY roughly, just one coat

and then went over them with BM crackle in white
Do you like this effect? I love how simple it is to create unusual looks with the crackle effects.