Groupon Meets Eyeko

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Hi guys, just a really quick post before I go and meet my friends little baby girl for the first time!

I saw this amazing Groupon today and had to share it with you! They are selling a £20 Eyeko voucher for £8! Amazing! I'm not sure if ambassador codes will work along with this deal, but if you buy it you may as well try it! You can use my ambassador code which is E14173, and it it works you'll get a free gift!

The other national deal which I think is quite cool is a Bobblehead doll personalised to your appearance for £29! I may look into this one later as they could make interesting cake toppers for our wedding!

I may be back later with another post. If not I'll be here tomorrow :)

Please note that if you purchase from Groupon using these links I will receive a referral fee, also if you purchase anything from Eyeko using my ambassador code I will receive commission.