The Butterfly Award

Sunday, June 5, 2011
The lovely Kirsti over at The Notebook very kindly passed The Butterfly Award my way - massive thanks, I love receiving blog awards :)

Award rules state that you must:

a) write a random fact about yourself
b) pass the award on
c) notify the bloggers you nominate

Random fact about myself: This is difficult because I've already used most random facts about me in previous posts! Not very interesting but when we were in comp we had to do little drawings of our favourite things. I drew drums to represent The Stereophonics (who are still my favourite band of all time) and a cat because I love cats. They used our drawings and stuck them all over these random silver shapes on the roundabouts in my local town. So like I said not very interesting but I'm running out of interesting things to tell you about myself lol. 

Bloggers I nominate....

Kelly at Bakes, Beauty & Blog (check out the amazing cakes this girl makes!)

Once again, massive thanks Kirsti :)