Coffee Cupcakes

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Hi all!! Friday tomorrow, very much glad about that! Spencer and I are going for a freebie meal tomorrow at our Wedding venue (Holiday Inn) to trial the food, fingers crossed we like it as we've already paid the deposit! I'm then off to Cardiff on Saturday for a friend's birthday, very much looking forward to the weekend! Are you up to much?

I want to make some Oreo cupcakes at some point during the weekend but it is highly unlikely as I'll be spending Saturday tarting myself up and Sunday being hungover! Will let you know if I do get around to it though! My most recent batch of cakes that I made were coffee cupcakes. I will admit that I did botch them a bit as I didn't have most of the necessary ingredients! They came out lovely though so all was good!

 I halved the ingredients because I didn't want to make 24
 The cookbook I used and how they should of turned out! 

 End result

 The ingredients I used.
 I substituted butter milk with semi skimmed milk & a drop of vanilla essence, proper coffee for a Nescafe sachet and soft brown sugar for caster sugar. 

Butter and sugar

I've now added the eggs and some of the coffee (I didn't have any chicory extract) - I did panic when it looked like this!

I've now added the flour, salt, milk and a whole bag of chocolate chips (minus the ones that I ate!)

You are now ready to spoon this mixture into the cases and bake for the time stated.

Coffee Cream

Remaining butter, icing sugar, coffee and boiling water

reading the recipe back I can see that I made a little error! At the start of the recipe I mixed all of the butter and sugar up and added part of it to the cakes, the actual recipe says to use the amount of butter stated and ALL of the sugar, so, for the cream I shouldn't have the sugar mixed with the butter like I have - which explains why my cream was quite gritty!

Coffee cream

baked cupcakes

After taking this picture I grated some Bourneville over the top of the cakes

These cakes were very yummy, even Spencer liked them and he doesn't like coffee! The coffee cream reminded me very much of Coffee Puffs from Greggs - yum!! These are one to be making again (and properly next time!)

I thought I would share this post with you even though the cakes are quite botched and far from perfect just to show you botching cakes is okay haha!!!

Best served with a cup of frothy coffee while cwtched on the sofa wearing pyjamas :)