NOTD - Nails Inc Electric Teal

Monday, May 23, 2011
Hi guys, I don't know about you lot but I for one as so glad that Monday is over! I had a few too many glasses of wine Saturday and was still suffering a little today!

I, stupidly, yesterday washed all of my work trousers, forgot about them and left them in the machine! When getting ready this morning I realised! I ended up wearing an old pair of trousers that were way too small for me so have felt horrid all day!

This NOTD is my first more expensive nail polish, except it was free in a magazine! I won't pay for the more expensive polishes and fortunately for my bank balance this one hasn't swayed me. It did apply easier and take one less coat than my Barry Ms but it still chipped within two days! It is a lovely colour though, here are the pics:

two coats

with flash

without flash

I really need to start 'tidying' up before taking the photos! 

Isn't it a lovely colour? Do you buy more expensive polishes? Do you think that they are worth the price tag?