30 Day Challenge, No.30 THE END

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
30 – A photograph of yourself taken today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

I'm kind of sad that today is the last day of this challenge! I've enjoyed doing it, and am pleased to be able to say that I managed to get a post up everyday on the trot for 30 days *pats myself on the back* 

Three good things that have happened to me in the last 30 days

RAK - Kelly over at Bakes, Beauty & Blog set up a group of bloggers to send each other little gifts, it was fab, I've met (in a non meeting kind of way!) four lovely bloggers through this and received some wonderful gifts - post to follow!

Birthday - I didn't like the turning *cough* 26 *cough* part of this but I had a bloody lovely birthday and was very spoilt

Quality time - Due to having all this time off and a birthday I have spent loads of quality time with my partner and friends and have really loved it

I hope you have all enjoyed reading my 30 day challenge as much as I have enjoyed taking part in it, I won't know what to do with myself now! If you are considering doing this challenge and think that you could post every day for 30 days do it, it has made me feel really good :)
