My Bright Bold Beautiful Entry

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
When I first read this post I thought it sounds fun but I'm not going to be any good at creating a bright make up look so I won't bother. Then I thought about that Sleek palette I have sitting there with all those neon colours that I'm never going to use and came to the conclusion, what the hell - why not?

So now you're wondering what I'm babbling about?! Natalie over at BlushBlendBeauty is holding a giveaway to celebrate becoming a Youtube partner (congrats!). The giveaway is inspired by Lisa Eldridge. She has asked that you create your own bright bold and beautiful make up look! Here is mine :

old earings from a fancy dress outfit

This is what I used to create the look :

As you can see its nothing special but I'm quite pleased with how it turned out! Good luck to everyone else who enters :)