Week in Photos #9

Sunday, May 1, 2011
I'm doing this post earlier than usual today due to the fact that I'm off to Cardiff tonight - can't wait! I'm aiming to put a OOTN post up before I go out, but knowing me it won't happen as I'm always rushing around to get ready at the last minute! If it doesn't go up tonight it will go up tomorrow.

This is what I have been doing with my week so far :

images can be enlarged by clicking
eating too much chocolate
the partners in work bought us all a commemorative coin for the Royal Wedding, how nice of them
I got in the spirit with bunting

Dominos pizza app :)
walked up to Twmbarlwm, will post about that soon
amazing views
Griffithstown street party!
we even had a free hog roast!
pretty nails :)