100 Follower Giveaway - CLOSED

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Hi all 103 of you! I've finally gotten around to purchasing my giveaway pieces - I hope you like them! I still can't believe that so many of you read and (hopefully!) enjoy my blog! Wow! I actually started this blog as a place for me to keep track of my life and didn't expect any followers, now the blog has completely changed direction and I have followers yipee!

I wanted to do a giveaway just to show how much I appreciate each and everyone of you. I'm not going to ask you to tweet or blog about this giveaway because I want it to be something for all of you who are already here and not a way to attract new followers.

Up for grabs I have two MUA nail varnishes, two necklaces and two pairs of earings - sorry it isn't much but as you may well be aware I haven't got the best finances available to me! I tried to get nice things on a budget and I personally think I did pretty well (I may have doubled up some of the prizes so that I have some for myself!)

The boring bit - the rules!

1.  You must be a follower of my blog to enter
2.  Comment below telling me what you would like to see more of on my blog - even if its something I don't already post about - I won't be offended!
3.  You must have parents permission if you are under 16 and wish to enter - sorry but I don't want to be accused of grooming!
4.  This giveaway is open to the UK and Ireland only
5.  Giveaway will close at 12 midnight on Wednesday 01 June 2011

Good luck :)