Week in Photos #10

Monday, May 9, 2011
Sorry its a day late - I've been to the Isle of White for a long weekend, back to reality now though :( I hope you haven't missed me too much haha!

the new brazer burger from KFC - actually amazing!

Spencer saw them make this on Something for the Weekend and actually made it himself! It was yum! You can view the recipe here
went to Cardiff with the girls on the Sunday of the May bank hol for my sister's birthday
I got a phone number - woohoo! Nice to get attention for a change!
drank way too much, as per
left Wales for the weekend :)
Crabbies at a beach bar - this is the life!
Spencer skimming stones

cake and coffee = bliss

stunning views

we went to the zoo

our home for the weekend
I hope you've all had a fantastic week - I will be posting about my Isle of Wight trip soon, outfits and more in depth of what we did.
