My Trip to the Isle of Wight

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Hi all, I just remembered that I haven't yet told you all about my recent trip to the Isle of Wight, bad little blogger!

We booked the long weekend through the Sun Holidays. It cost us more than the £9.50 each as that price is based on four people and it doesn't include service charges, we also had to pay for the ferry which we had at a discounted rate through The Sun.

our ferry

We stayed at The Orchards caravan park in Newbridge, Yarmouth. We drove to Southampton and then got the Red Funnel Ferry over to the Isle of Wight. It was the first time I'd visited the place and I have to say, it really is beautiful!

our caravan

We were shocked at how old world it is! There were no supermarkets near where we stayed, just little local shops! If we wanted to go to the supermarket we had to drive into Newport, the nearest city! Not a Tesco in site which is strange!

thankfully the weather didn't stay like this!

On day one we visited Fort Victoria and then had a walk along the beach.

Day two consisted of a visit to The Needles Park at Alum Bay. We had a walk along the park and walked down to the beach, we were a little too scared to use the chair lift!

Day three consisted of a visit to the zoo and another walk along another beach!
the zoo is built around an old fort

We found it highly amusing that we were staying in Newbridge that the nearest city was Newport, due to the fact that there is a Newbridge down the road from us and the nearest city to where we live is Newport! Simple things hey!

We took so many amazing photos, this is just a small selection! I highly recommend the Isle of Wight as it is such a beautiful place.