HOT Blogs

Monday, March 21, 2011
The lovely Dee over at Confessions of a Makeupaholic yesterday did a post on her favourite blogs, once again, big thanks for mentioning me - means a lot :) I'm still surprised that people actually read my blog, let alone enjoy and recommend it!

The fact that being mentioned made me so happy made me think that I too would like to get in on the whole spreading happiness thing and do my own recommended reads post!

These are the blogs that I most look forward to reading, I also suggest that you follow all of these on Twitter (their links are on their blogs) as they are all very nice ladies.


These are just a very small slice of the blogs I love, all of these blogs are personal, full of info and bang on trend - they make for fantastic reads and they also make for fantastic Tweet buddies!! Keep up the hard work girls!

I love discovering new blogs so if I'm not yet following you, both on Blogger and Twitter, then please let me know!
