NOTD - Ciate Wait Until Dark (Magazine Freebies)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Hi you lot, how are you all? I hope that none of you have been too badly affected by the horrid riots, chavs against the world hey!?! Hopefully this will end soon!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately and not running my usual Bargain Watch tonight. What with everything going on in the world my little blog has seemed quite insignificant!

I'm also feeling quite crap after having my smear yesterday. My stomach is killing, apparently this does happen to some people, trust me to be one of those hey! Despite my hatred for those things I still go every three years as requested, this was my third (we start them at the age of 20 in Wales) and it hasn't got any easier. The point to this rambling is that some people don't go because they're scared. Granted it hurt, I'm in pain today, but it'll be gone by tomorrow (hopefully!) and could potentially be life saving. So, if you've ignored the letters telling you to get one, please, please go book it!!

Anyway, onto more pleasant things!

I picked up this months Marie Claire for the free Ciate Nail polish. I was quite impressed that I also received a Dove conditioner!

On applying the first coat I did not have high expectations for this polish, I thought it would take several coats for a nice opaque finish, thankfully it proved me wrong! The second coat applied evenly and gave nice coverage.

This nail polish is really quite difficult to photograph. There are lovely little sparkly lighter purple flecks in it, which you can see a little better with flash.

Overall I'm impressed with this nail polish by Ciate, I want to buy loads of their polishes, mainly due to the fact that I'm putting my nail shelves up soon and their bottles will look gorgeous on them!

Did you pick up this month's Marie Claire? If so what colour Ciate did you get?

P.S. if you do like the look of this you may spot a discount code on the first picture!!