Week in Photos #26

Sunday, August 28, 2011

 Flick loves it when we get the laser pen out, she goes absolutely crazy chasing it around the house! 

 I was quite annoyed when the OPIs I ordered from ASOS arrived like this! I have emailed them but am still waiting for a reply!

 Weight Watchers chocolate éclairs :) Only 2 pro points in these

 Yum :)

 Spencer bought a bike and decided to be a big kid and ride it up and down the road, to test it.

 Flick being cute, it really is quite random for her to be so chilled out with us

 Yum tea one night in the week

 The poor girls had to go to the vets for their annual check up and jabs, love 'em!

 The most amazing cakes ever! Mini Oreo and Peanut Butter cheesecakes, recipe to follow!

 We visited Spencer's brother in Reading this weekend where we attended Wokingham festival

 These guys headlined and were actually really good! They have something to do with Simon Cowell so I was referring to them as Simon's bitches all night.

 When we got home Kitty was more interested in the cheese and marmite bread that we purchased than us!

Like I could be bothered to cook proper food when I got home this evening, pizza o'clock!

Random Instagram photos on the way home

Fat booth!

Nuttella, banana and strawberry Crepe at Wokingham festival :)

The feast Spencer cooked up for Friday night tea (it was shared between four of us, we aren't that greedy!)

Playing on the iPads in the Apple shop

Smoked salmon, cream cheese, lemon juice and pepper baguette 

random Instagram

I joined Weight Watchers in the week, as I was away this weekend I haven't really started it properly yet (hence the gorgeous food photos!)

Have you been up to anything exciting this week?