Week in Photos #6

Sunday, April 10, 2011
Hi all

I'm doing this post a bit earlier in the day than usual, the reason being is that I want to go out and make the most of this glorious sunshine! We had a crazy barbecue last night so Spencer is still in bed suffering! My sister has rung me to say that her partner, Tom, is also still in bed, so my sister (Gemma), my two year old niece (Gracie) and I are off to the park to catch some rays and have a picnic! Are you all making the most of the sun? Have you had a barbecue this weekend? I think the majority of people around here were having them yesterday, bread rolls were sold out everywhere!!

Anyway, this is how I have spent this week:
eating naughty food
the weather has been amazing!
Two different apps said up to 18 yesterday!
I've been chilling in the sun
went to watch the X Factor tour in the CIA, Cardiff on Thursday, it was fab! Annoyingly my battery in my camera was running out so the photos aren't very good
Crazy BBQ at my house!
followed by the boys entertaining us on Lips!
I hope that you've all had a fab weekend and are continuing to do so!
