Sleek Palette Swatches & some bargains for you!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Hi all, I hope you're okay. I'm loving this three day working week, last day tomorrow until Tuesday - wayhey!

I'm really looking forward to the Royal Wedding! They are holding a street party in the village, its free and they are providing a Hog Roast and a BBQ - I can't wait! I haven't been up there yet this week but apparently it looks fab, bunting everywhere! What is everyone else doing for the Royal Wedding?

Sleek Palettes

I recently purchased three Sleek palettes in a blog sale, they were three for £10 so I purchased Acid, Chaos and Sunset.

Sunset 568
with flash

without flash
Chaos 577

with flash
without flash
Acid 570

with flash
without flash

I'm pleased with these palettes overall and can't wait to try experimenting with the colours!

Sunset has some absolutely stunning colours for, as the names suggest, the summer! The colours in this palette are really shimmery and natural, I can see this being my go to palette for summer days.

Chaos also has some gorgeous colours, some a bit bolder than Sunset, I can see Chaos featuring quite a lot in my evening make up.

Acid really isn't very likely to see much light, I didn't think this one would be for me when I first purchased it as some of the colours are OTT, they may come in handy for fancy dress! I looked past the neon yellow, orange and pink though and realised that there are actually some really pretty colours in amongst the vulgar ones! I particularly like the blues in this palette.

Bargain watch!

So many shops are jumping on the bandwagon and offering discounts for the Royal Wedding, here are a few that I know of:

New Look - £15 off £60 spend with code NLROYWED expires 02 May 2011
Debenhams - 15% off with code PU6P expires 13 May 2011
The Body Shop - 30% off with code ROYAL30 expires 02 May 2011, they also have a buy one get one half price sale which ends on 05 May 2011, as far as I can see this runs right across the store and is applied automatically at checkout, it can be any two items, you get the cheapest free, both discounts can be applied to the same shop so this is a SUPER DEAL!!!
La Senza - 15% off with code Wedding Fever expires 02 May 2011 
Dorothy Perkins - 10% off sign up to their newsletter and enter they email you the code

Happy shopping!!
