Bargain Hauling

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Hi guys :) I feel like I haven't posted a haul for ages! I'm trying to cut down on spending and I guess that shows on my blog!

Spencer and I have had  a very successful day today, we've finished most of our Christmas shopping and both bought a few items that we needed, all at great prices. I love days like this!

Christmas party dress - £17 Primark

Christmas party glittery brogues (I've given up on heels) - £12 Primark

Duffle coat - £10 down from £25 Primark

After we got everything we wanted in town we went to Raglan Garden Centre, it is the most amazing garden centre ever! I could have easily spent a couple of hundred pound in there (we did manage £80!). Most of what we bought there is presents, they do lovely bath bombs, soaps and Welsh food & boooze. I couldn't resist these items for myself.

 Santa Balls 'Ho Bloody Ho' bauble £2.99

Heart £1.99

What have you been buying this weekend?