A Day in Weight Watchers & Weekly Progress #01

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
As you may or may not be aware I am currently following the Weight Watchers diet plan. I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting on 31 August 2011. I have been following the Pro Points plan quite strictly from Monday to Friday but have gone off plan every weekend since joining.

I have been allocated 29 daily Pro Points and 49 extra weekly Pro Points which I can use whenever I like throughout the week, most people save these up for alcohol/meals on the weekend. I've got drunk every weekend since joining and have lost count, but am pretty sure that I have gone over the extra 49 points both when drinking and when eating those hangover munchies!

To date I have lost 5 pounds, which is pretty good for four weeks in and having fun weekends!

I'm not attending the meetings as to be honest I can't really afford the £20 a month that it will cost me, I do however highly recommend attending the meetings if you want to follow the plan as they are great for motivation and sharing recipes.

I weigh myself every Wednesday so I have decided that I will post every week telling you how much weight I've lost or gained and share my meals from one day in the past week. I'm hoping that sharing my weight with you guys will help motivate me and that you'll enjoy the posts!

Today I weighed in at 12st 3 & 1/2 which means that I have lost 1 & 1/2 pounds this week.

8am Weight Watchers Raspberry Yoghurt 1 PP

10am Weight Watchers Ginger & Dark Chocolate Bar 2 PP

11.30am Weight Watchers Caramel Wafer Bar 2 PP

1.30pm Tesco Light Choices Chicken Curry with Rice 11 PP (these Tesco meals are good if you are on the Weight Watchers plan as they have the Pro Point values on the packs so no calculating points!)
Can of Diet Coke 0PP

7.30pm Findus Roasted Chicken Breast in a sun dried tomato dressing with potatoes, peppers & courgettes 9 PP

8.30pm Weight Watchers Rice Pudding 3 PP
Can of Diet Coke 0 PP

Total points used 28/29

As you can see Weight Watchers is fairly easy to follow, you don't even have to cook if, like me, you really can't be-bothered when working all day!