Week in Post #12

Saturday, September 10, 2011
I've had a disappointing week receiving no post at all, not even a bill, just Dominos pizza menus and kebab menus, the usual. That was until yesterday when I arrived home to loads of items waiting for me :) It was quite nice to receive everything on the same day!

Here is what I've received:

 I recently signed up to mystreetchic.com, if you sign up they send you a 2True nail varnish as a thank you.

I tweeted Clippy to let them know that Theresa on Hollyoaks was sporting one of their amazing umbrellas, they didn't know. I still had that episode on my planner so I tweeted them the below photo, as a thank you they very generously sent me the above as a gift! I'm going to have to get my thinking cap on about what to use it for and what photos to fill it with!

 My gorgeous eBay goodies from Flutter Face, you can read my post on these goodies here.

I recently won a giveaway on Madiha's Make-Up blog to win a Piggy Paint voucher, these are what I bought with the voucher. Can't wait to try them out! I'll do a post to let you know how I get on with them.

Have you received any goodies this week? I was hoping for a few more things which haven't yet arrived, which means more goodies next week (hopefully!)