Anyway, less of the moaning and onto the point of this post! I found an amazing eBay seller that I had to share with you! Flutter Face. She sells vintage style jewellery and is just generally awesome!
I contacted her on Wednesday evening asking if the necklace I wanted was available on a longer chain, she replied pretty much straight away to say that she would sort that out for me at no extra price. I then ordered a few other items and was shocked to see my lovely package waiting for me this morning.
Cute packaging :)
Retro Style Comic Ring £4.89
I ordered one more item which isn't pictured as its a present and you never know who is watching!
Joy very kindly sent me a pair of earings as a free gift! She also has her own website here, if you're after reasonably priced quirky jewellery with great customer service I strongly recommend Flutter Face.