Recent Buys

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Hi all, how are you?

Sorry I haven't been blogging as much as I usually do. I've been feeling a little crappy to be fair, just down in the dumps and really tired for no particular reason at all. I think I need a holiday, wonder if I can get one on the NHS.......

I haven't really been buying much lately as I'm quite skint, but I thought I'd show you the few little bits that I have bought.

 This month's Cosmo magazine for the free Nail Polish, I'm a sucker for freebies!

 Snake ring and fly ring, both Primark

Kiss Water Decal Snake Skins, 50p each from car boot sale.

I've never tried water decals before or in fact even heard of them! Does anyone know what they are like? I'm not going to try them until I have a night out as I don't want to waste them even though they were only 50p!

I get paid Friday so am hoping for some retail therapy to, hopefully, put a smile on my face!