HEALTHY - We picked these pizzas up in Tesco on quick sale, they are relatively healthy! Amazing!
NAUGHTY - I had to treat myself seeing as the pizza was so healthy!
CHOCOLATEY - These are gorgeous, perfect for that little hit of chocolate!
NAUGHTY (again) - I had some good news so I treated us to an Indian! This is half of a meal for one person! I couldn't believe how much food turned up!
WET - I think Kitty must just sit in the rain, she doesn't appear to have made any effort to stay dry!
TASTY - I made Cottage pie the other day, one of my favourite meals! Spencer thought I was odd because I served it with Yorkshire puddings, but I think it goes well.
REFRESHING - you can't beat a nice cold bottle of Crabbies on a warm stuffy day! I seriously love this stuff!
FUN - I went out with the girls last night, my first night out in a month! I'm doing so well with cutting down on nights out. I do enjoy them but its just too expensive. We ended up in Newport, eugh. We started in Wetherspoons then went to Caerleon which is lovely. I didn't want to go to Newport but its too expensive to go home on my own. I was hammered by that time so can't really remember Newport - probably a good thing!