Positive Beauty Pledge

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Hi all, how are you today? I massively failed at getting back into being healthy today. I arrived at work to see a HUGE bar of chocolate on my desk, plus there were mini Dimes in reception - not good! My other half then rang to see if I wanted to go for a meal after work, which meant no gym! I did stick to my Weight Watchers meal for lunch and had pork steak with baked potato and salad at the meal so that wasn't too bad I guess. I really do need to cut down on chocolate and get my sorry self to the gym though!

You may notice that I'm supporting a new badge, over there somewhere>>>>>>
That is because the lovely Kat of Kat's Beauty Reviews posted my Beauty pledge today. You can check that out and view a awful photo of me here. There is a link to email Kat on the end of that post if you too are interested in pledging positiveness!

Also, while I'm rambling, I want to take this opportunity to say a MASSIVE thank you to each and every one of my followers! I hit 200 last night, I'm on 204 today, this is crazy! Thank you so much to everyone that has taken the time to hit that 'follow' button, it really does mean a lot!

Last but not least, have you added yourself to the UK bloggers map? That is a fantastic idea, its so lovely to see who your neighbours are and discover new blogs.

Tomorrow motivation will find me and I will go to the gym....