OOTN 16.7.11 - Primark

Monday, July 18, 2011
Hi all, how has this Monday been for you? I'm still suffering from the weekend so was quite glad to see 5pm arrive! As you may have seen from my week in photos I went out with the girls on Saturday for several drinks! As usual I spent all day doing not a lot, then had a last minute panic to get ready, that is my excuse for the poor photos!

Dress - Primark sale £2
Shoes - Primark sale £6
Bag - Primark
Turquoise bracelet - Primark
Pearl Bracelet - Peacocks 
Necklace - part of RAK from Lauren
Tattoo tights - Primark
Key ring - Primark

So yeah, almost entirely Primark! My local Primark only opened around Christmas time last year, before that opened I didn't get to Primark much. Now its opened I'm obsessed! I'm terrible though as I refuse to pay the prices in other shops now! Which maybe isn't such a bad thing as I am poor!

These photos really are awful - sorry about that!