Progress in Life 01 February 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Weight am : 12st 2 3/4
Attended gym : Yes
Naughties eaten : 5 Cadburys fingers, a jaffa cake and a slice of chocolate cake, a very small packet of Cadburys buttons - whoops! (in my defence it is that time of the month)
Spends : £20, Pyrex jug to replace smashed one, exfoliating mitt to prevent another in grown hair infection & an outfit for Gracie's birthday present.
Selling on ebay : Two dresses and one pair of shoes, no bids yet, but one dress has two watchers and the pair of shoes have one watcher.
Mood :  :-)

Money saving attempt. My potatoes are all about to go off, so I peeled them all (or the other half did), par boiled them and they are now roasting in the oven. I will then freeze these to be used again. If they come out rubbish, oh well they would of been thrown out anyway, if they come out nice, happy days, I saved throwing loads of potatoes out!

This made me laugh

Items that have tempted me...
♥ Slippers £10 Peacocks

♥ Time for Tea Necklace £11.99 lovesuzie
♥ Cupcake Earings £3.99 lovesuzie
♥ Anyone for scrabble ring £2.99 lovesuzie