Credit Card-less March

Monday, February 28, 2011
Well done to all of you who took part in AND completed Frugal Feb. I failed really early on, let myself and the others down I'm afraid. I seriously think I'm addicted to spending!

So taking inspiration from the lovely Gemma Cartwright over at Big Girls Browse I've decided to set myself a bit more realistic pledge.

This month I will not spend on my credit card* (March)

This will prove incredibly tough for me as if I want something and I can't afford it I've gotten into a really bad habit of just putting it on the plastic, probably paying off less than I spend each month!

I'm going to try a whole month without using my credit card. If I can do this then (hopefully) it will help me to cut down on using it.

If anyone else thinks this is a good idea then please let me know if you wish to join in so we can support each other :)

*credit card can be used in extreme circumstances, say like if I get stranded somewhere and need a hotel, my house burns down or I come across Adele tickets.

Wish me luck! I'm not even sure I can do it!
