Week in Post #16

Saturday, October 8, 2011
I'm going to start this post by saying a HUGE well done to the Welsh Rugby team, I can't believe that we have made the world cup semi finals, surreal! It made getting up at 6am this morning worth it! Well done boys!

Now I'm going to show you the lovely things that I have received in the post this week, as I'm sure a lot of you don't actually care about the rugby!

 A free sample sized bottle of the new Baileys Biscotti flavour

 A free sample of Dove body wash

 The Aussie prizes that I won over at Clare's blog

 My fab RAK that I blogged about here

Free samples of Garnier BB Cream

I've done well with the freebies this week! I requested all of these ages ago and they've all suddenly turned up!  

Have you received anything exciting?

Are any of my readers planning on attending the London Christmas blogger meet that Emma is organising? Its on the 19th November. I'm considering it but I'm not sure if I'm capable of finding my way to the venue haha! Is anyone going from Wales? If so fancy getting the Mega Bus / National Express together? We could go down and come back the same day. If you're interested either comment on this post, tweet or email me!