Looking Back & Looking Forward - September/October

Saturday, October 1, 2011
October has landed along with an Indian Summer (that's right, its now October which means its officially an Indian Summer!) I'm loving the last minute summer, except for the dilemma of having no clothes to wear seeings as we haven't had a summer yet!

This month I've been loving...

Lauren's Way fake tan. I finally got around to using this last night! I bought it ages ago but have been putting off using it to be honest because fake tan scares me! For the first time ever in my fake tanning life I've come out streak free! I have got a few patches where I've missed bits, the lighting in my bedroom is awful so its not very good to see what you're doing! This tan is instant though so I can just top these up today.

Coloured jeans. Not just the jeans that I'm wearing here just coloured jeans in general. I only own this pair so I need to buy a few more pairs. I'm particularly lusting after a maroon pair.

Limited Edition Triple Chocolate Mars Bar. These are simply amazing. Enough said.

Blog posts...

Mrs Red post sharing with us how she made some huge changes to her blog. I still haven't got around to trying this out!
Leanne's easy peasy nail design - I'm actually sporting this look right now!
Claire Louise's very impressive nail art - I'm not even going to attempt this one, I could not do it justice.
Emily's sparkly nail design - on my list to do. That list is huge.
The family tree shown on Sammy's Tuesday Treats - I must attempt this myself, it looks amazing!

The products that I've used in full this month...
Rimmel 25 Hour Foundation. I loved this when I first bought it, you can read my review here. It is a  good foundation. It lasted absolutely ages and I just get bored of using the same foundation for so long, I'm trying to be good and not start other products until I've finished the one I'm using, I think I started to resent this foundation because I wanted to try others but couldn't until it was finished!

The Body Shop Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue. This may be good for people who don't have feet as bad as mine. It certainly didn't rescue my feet but my feet are as tough as a crocodile so it would take a lot to rescue them. My quest for the miracle product still continues.

Looking back...
I've had a good month. There have been a few problems within my group of friends which has riled a few people including me. I'm not letting it get to me.
I've met more bloggers this month - yay! I absolutely love meeting bloggers! They are all so nice.
I've been doing well with my Weight Watchers considering how badly I stick to the diet! My weekly weigh in this week left me 1/2lb away from loosing half a stone. I had a sneaky weigh in this morning and have hit half a stone :)

Looking forward to...
1.10.10 (tonight) Swansea with my ladies :) All our boyfriends are away in Butlins on a stag do. We decided to go away ourselves! We're catching the train to Swansea and staying over night. Cannot wait!
8.10.10 Cadbury World. Spencer and I bought this through Groupon. We are staying in the Park Inn on the Saturday night and then going to Cadbury World on the Sunday. The Sunday is our engagement anniversary (2 years) so we thought it would be nice to do it that weekend.
12.10.10 The Cardiff blogger meet.
28.10.10 not necessarily anything to look forward to but I thought I'd put this in. I've been in my job for 9 years this day! That makes me feel so old!
29.10.10 its my cousin's 30th Birthday so I've been told to keep this Saturday free. We're probably just going out local, I think she wants to do fancy dress. I may finally get to dress up as a geek, been wanting to do that for so long! I think we're going to surprise her by asking the pub to bring out a cake and putting balloons & banners up if they'll let us.

I didn't realise how exciting my month ahead was until I typed this up! Have you got anything exciting planned?