Week in Photos #30 / Week in Post #15

Monday, October 3, 2011
Firstly, I'm sorry this is late this week. I went to Swansea with the girls, it was messy, I was too tired to even considering blogging last night! I stupidly decided that when I got back to the hotel it was too early, so Sadie and me got a bottle of wine from our hotel room and sat in the hotel bar drinking it with the guy from behind the bar until about 5 in the morning - whoops!

This week has been...

VERY NAUGHTY - this week has seen me breaking my diet so many times!
Pizza, garlic pizza bread, cheese and a strawberry flan with cocoa powder sprinkled on top!
I also had my first ever Nandos, a McDonalds at stupid o'clock in the morning and copious amounts of booze. Oh and a Chinese last night - not looking forward to my weigh in on Wednesday!

EXCITING - Clippy are holding a competition via facebook, we had to design a bag online and email it to them, 8 bags were shortlisted and mine was one! I created mine with one page representing things that I love. I have the severn bridge to represent travelling, food, fashion, Wales, cinema, booze. Its just a little bit of me :) On the other side of the bag I decided to use cute pictures.
If you would like to help me out I would very much appreciate if you follow this link and click 'like'. Some of the other bags have got a ridiculous amount of votes so I'll be shocked if I do win but every vote counts hey! So, pretty please, vote for me!

BOILING - this week has been lovely! This was actually at 17:11 too, not bad for that time hey!

LISTED - there are certain things I always forget to pack when going away, so this time I made a list of the things that I always forget! 

PRETTY - I followed this tutorial to do my nails for Swansea. Love the result.

CARNAGE - A night out in Swansea for us lot = carnage. I had a fab time and am still suffering today. This is me and my favourite bar man from the hotel. He allowed us to drink our own drink the hotel bar and even provided us with the glasses to drink it! 
I'm wearing his specs.

Week in Post...

This week the postman has bought me

 Another order from Flutter Face. I only ordered some bits to make rings/necklace but as a thank you for writing a blog post about my last purchases Joy very kindly sent me two rings for free! Fab, faultless service once again.

What did you get up to last week? Did you receive any exciting items of mail?