Week in Photos #34 / Week in Post #19

Monday, October 31, 2011
Sorry for putting this up late, I was pretty hungover and good for nothing yesterday to be honest! I went out drinking all day Saturday, the only food I ate was breakfast. That is my excuse for being so drunk!

This week has been...


Flick has been sleeping in some cute positions this week, I've had to move the DVDs from on top of the TV box now as she loves it under there! She also loves my fleecy blanket!


I went out for my cousin's 30th birthday on Saturday, we went out all day so I was a state! I got into the Halloween spirit with my outfit, I annoyingly forgot to take any decent photos for the blog! I had cobweb tights & black and orange socks on. I used black and green eyeshadow on my eyes.
I saw Mark when I was out who informed me that he occasionally reads my blog, Hi if you're reading Mark - your mug is now on my blog haha!


Crumpets and a cuppa! Can't beat it, so simple yet so enjoyable!

 Today is Halloween. I'm also quite scared on Halloween, its not of the ghosts or anything, just the chavs on the streets with eggs. Thankfully I haven't seen anything like that. I've had two lots of trick or treaters so far, the last lot were young girls with their parents, I opened the door to 'Happy Halloween!' so cute!
I'm hoping I don't get many more because I want all this chocolate, I know, selfish.


 I'm not going to do an NOTD for my Halloween nails because they are so lame compared to some that I have seen, here they are though.

The new double pizza for Iceland. Amazing. One layer of cheese and garlic then another layer of chicken and bacon. Diet and went to heaven.

Week in Post #19

This week I've received...
Cobweb tights from eBay

The lovely headband that Lisa kindly donated for my giveaway