Week in Photos #32

Sunday, October 16, 2011
This week has been...

my work uniform for the day!
Come on Wales bands, proceeds went to Tenovus Charity.

my living room window :)
PROUD / DEVASTATING - As I'm sure most of the world already knows by now Wales made it to the rugby world cup finals, unfortunately we didn't get any further but I am still extremely proud of our team. They played superbly and did not deserve to be knocked out - stupid ref! 
Anyways, the WRU requested that Welsh businesses wear rugby shirts to work on Friday to show support, my firm being huge rugby fans and very patriotic went to town! We all had to give a donation to the Swansea Miners Appeal if we wanted to wear our own clothes, which I thought was a lovely touch.
Below are a few photos from my work's facebook.
my nails made it onto the firm's facebook page! (the fact that I run the page may have something to do with this...)

 PRETTY - The sun on Friday morning looked gorgeous so I had to snap it!

I'm wearing a coral dress & tights both from Primark
DRUNK / FUN - I went out with some of the girls from work on Friday, we had a fantastic night and got ever so slightly piddled! My mate Chris jumped in on this photo opportunity! 

BRILLIANT - I went to the South Wales Blogger meet on Wednesday. I will blog about it soon. It was an awesome evening with awesome food! We had a buffet in O'Neills and I was so pleased to see that the sausages I love so much were on there!

In other non-photographed news...

Yesterday was Spencer's father's 65th birthday so we spent the day with his parents, brother, brother's girlfriend and his nan came along in the evening. We went to Hereford where we did a Treasure Hunt. There wasn't any treasure, just a load of questions that involved searching through the town to find the answers. At first I found it highly embarrassing but then the competitive streak kicked in and Spencer and I were determined to beat everyone else! We came last.
We then went to a local Italian Restuarant called Yew Tree. I've been there twice before and absolutely loved the food, last night was no exception, gorgeous. I didn't take any food photos because Spencer's family might think I'm odd whipping my camera out when the food comes round! I had Stuffed Capsicums (stuffed peppers) to start and Petto d’Anatra al kumquat (duck) for my main. Yum.

After loosing out on the Rugby World Cup final to France Spencer and I decided that the Wales v France game in the 2012 Six Nations should be quite a good one. The tickets are very expensive but after a lot of nagging I persuaded Spencer to go and we have just booked tickets! I am super excited about this! There is quite a lot of potential that Wales will win the Grandslam next year, this is the last match we will be playing so we could quite possibly witness Wales winning the 2012 grandslam - fingers crossed!!

Have you been up to anything exciting?