Week in Photos #31

Monday, October 10, 2011
Hi all, another late week in photos, I really am slacking lately aren't I! I got back from Birmngham yesterday and was just too tired to think about blogging, so I didn't.

This week has been...

LAZY - I've had two takeaways in the last week, Weight Watchers has gone completely wrong! I had a Dominos earlier in the week and then a Lamb Sish on Friday. I've been feeling down and miserable for some unknown reason so have been reaching out for comfort food.

CUTE - My cats have been particularly cute this week, especially Flick with my blanket! 

COLD - We decided on a Starbucks stop in the Bullring in Birmingham. I don't often go to Starbucks so I don't know if I asked for the wrong thing or if I was given the wrong thing. I asked for a Caramel Coffee so was quite shocked when an ice coffee turned up, it was so cold that I couldn't even finish it! Was nice though!

CHOCOLATEY - The reason for visiting Birmingham was Cadburys World. The hot chocolate there is amazing! I will do a full post about the trip next.