Week in Photos #33

Sunday, October 23, 2011
This week has been...

DREAMY - These orange crunch chocolates are what my dreams are made of. They are gorgeous. Spencer and I nearly fell out over them because we both wanted them to ourselves.

YUMMY - Steak, peppercorn sauce and Spanish potatoes. Enough said.

BARGAINOUS- can you believe that this delicious meal only cost £3.49? I had it in the little O'Neills in Cardiff on Friday.

TASTY - I tried my sample of Baileys Biscotti and it was very nice. Obviously the larger glass is mine.

CATTY - next door had a new kitten a while ago (the little fella on the right). He has now started going out and my cats hate him! They are both spitting at him all the time! This is him trying to escape from the bathroom window yesterday, quite a big drop. I contacted said neighbour to let her know, she then pulled him back in through the window.

FUN - IKEA for me is always a fun day out. I needed another shelf for my nail varnish collection and some blinds for the bedroom. Spencer measured the bathroom window instead for some reason so we bought blinds for the bathroom. We need to replace all the blinds so it wasn't a huge problem. Just means going back another time with the bedroom measurements. 
While I was there it would of been rude not to have some meatballs and cake!

DECORATIVE - we are slowly decorating our bedroom. I picked up some paint samples for the feature wall, I think I'm going to go with Pearl Grey (left) as the main reason for getting rid of the purple feature wall was that it was too dark and the Cool Grey (right) is quite dark.

NAUGHTY - ASDA make your own pizza and cheesy garlic bread. So bad but so good.

STARSTRUCK - I love Kam and Sally, they wake me up every morning on Capital FM's breakfast show! They were in Cardiff for the rugby on Friday. I tweeted them to say I was going to find them, when I found them they knew who I was from my tweet, impressive! They had also read my tweet out on the radio!

PROUD - Spencer and I watched the live screen of the Welsh rugby game in the Millenium Stadium on Friday. It was so nice to see that so many people had gone to the effort to go and support the team. The match kicked off at 8.30am so it was a long day but well worth it. The screen was huge and the sense of 
camaraderie and pride was really quite overwhelming.

PAINFUL - I'm always harassing my cats and chasing them around. Kitty got her revenge the other night. I went to pick up and she ran behind the banister, as a result I whacked my arm on the banister! It really hurt and I have a mahoosive bruise! Every time someone touches my arm I squeal in pain. Poor me.

Other non-photographed goings on have included:
  • A meal with the girls from work on Friday evening, followed by drinks at a local pub.
  • Friends visiting with their baby daughter yesterday, it made me realise that I really do need to make more of an effort to catch up with friends. Never see them enough.
  • Discovering that Dee is a fellow Stereophonics fan, next time they are playing in Cardiff I am going to try and convince her to come over for it, she doesn't know yet.

What have you been up to this week?