Belated Giveaway! CLOSED

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hi all, as you may be aware I recently hit 10,000 page views! At the time of writing this I'm on 12,525 page views. This is absolutely amazing! I've said it before and I'll say it again, I didn't even expect one person to read my blog and am completely taken aback by the fact that it has been viewed so many times! I've also made it into Wikios top 100 blogs! I'm number 76 in the beauty section, I don't know how Wikio works to be honest but being number 76 sounds good to me!

As a little thank you to you all I decided to do a giveaway, Jess over at Lovely Jubbly Jewellery very kindly agreed to send me one of her lovely wish bracelets as part of the prize. I've also added a few MUA products, so here is what you can win....

Wish bracelet
MUA Pearl Eyeshadows Shade 10 and 15
MUA Blusher Shade 1
MUA Liquid Eyeliner Shade 5
MUA Limited Edition Nail Varnish set

The boring rules!

1.  You must be a public follower of my blog via GFC to enter
2.  Comment below with whatever you like, all I ask is that you are polite! I hate rude giveaway entries!
3.  Leave your email address so that I can contact you if you win
4.  You must have parents permission if you are under 16, sorry but I don't want to be accused of grooming!
7.  Giveaway will close at 12 noon on Sunday 17 July 2011

Please note that if you do not comply with the above rules your entry will not be counted, also if for whatever reason I don't believe that you are a genuine follower I will not count your entry.

There are no additional entries for this giveaway as I don't want to attract the freebie hunters but I would appreciate it you follow Jess on Twitter and / or her personal blog.

Once again, thank you all so much for your support and good luck!